What are Southend 192 doing around this current pandemic?
Are we proactive or reactive to the current challenge in society or are we just a bunch of men who stand around for photos with a lot of pomp and posture?
I like to think we are being both proactive and reactive. We are doing the things that we have always done whilst paying attention to instructions from both our clergy and the government.
Those not as risk or of 'compromised' health have been visiting and helping although as of today this is being discouraged but we are keeping in touch by phone daily with our own members, our own widows, parishioners and parishes to be of help where needed. Being on the end of a phone is vital for our elderly members and just having someone to talk to helps.
However, getting shopping for people is the biggest issue with all aisles empty each visit which is madness.
Our work at the Southend night shelter continues to run to the very end of March and we are very much involved with the regular Wednesday shelter at Sacred Heart plus extra evenings where other teams have needed us to step in.
Finally prayer is the engine behind all we do - it defines us and is something we can all do regardless of our ability to leave our front door or not.
So, we are in the mix, and will continue to be there to help and we all have something to offer. Our meetings and events may be postponed but we are not stopping.