Saturday, 15 July 2017

Diamond Membership Anniversaries

60 Years of service marked for two of our members

We gathered on Sunday 25th June 2017 at the Parish of Saint Peter in Eastwood to celebrate sixty years of active membership for two distinguished members of our Council here in Southend; Brother Noel and Brother Brian.

Mass was concelebrated by Members of Honour Father Michael with our Chaplain Father Jeff, and Deacon Richard, and our Provincial Grand Knight Brother George and his wife were also in attendance with a large gathering of Brothers and their families to make this a wonderful celebration. At the end of Mass, both Noel and Brian were presented each with a certificate of thanks and recognition signed by our Supreme Knight Brother Charlie having already been presented with their Golden Jubilarian awards ten years earlier. Both gentleman are active members quietly supporting everything we do not just at our events, but in their own parishes and in the community too.

Brian (left) with Noel (right)
Also, for the first time in many years, the tradition of giving a religious statue to immediate sons and daughters of members who had recently had their First Holy Communions' took place with a blessing from Father Jeff to three children at the end of Mass too.

Afterwards, we headed for lunch at a Toby Carvery and took over a large section of the seating when we sat down for a fun social gathering and a feast to close the days' festivities.

Here is an extract of the speech delivered by our Grand Knight and Chairman Liam that was read to parishioners in recognition of the dedication of the two diamond jubilarians:-

Brother Noel Browne joined the Knights on 6th January 1957. Noel spent countless years with Barking Council serving tirelessly as Treasurer for many, many, years, as well as Warden and Chancellor. For a two-year period Noel also served Province as auditor… Although only having transferred to Southend Council a few years ago he instantly became a valued member of the team bringing warmth, kindness and wisdom to debate, always willing to get stuck in and assist. We are truly blessed and thank Noel for his remarkable contribution now, and during the past 60 years.

And now, last but by no means forgotten. Brother Brian Dillon… In truth it would be almost impossible to forget Brother Brian, for all the right reasons of course, diminutive in stature but a giant amongst Knights. Brother Brian joined the Knights on 7th April 1957, the son of a Knight, Brother Brian has held most official positions within council, including being Grand Knight, just like his father before him and his son since – However, Brian went on to serve province for many years, achieving the position of Provincial Grand Knight. I believe Brian thinks I’m joking when I call him the Oracle, but I’m deadly serious, what Brian doesn’t know about the Knights isn’t worth knowing. He has been an inspirational figure to me and I know many other Knights over the years. Brian is quick to praise and slow to criticise and patient to a fault with those who are willing to work hard and invest time. Our Council is the richer for having Brian around, I’m the richer for his words of wisdom and I’m sure many others would say the same.

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